Tuesday, 13 September 2011

It's all about family

This is what my baking is all about: family. I love baking for my family and in this case with my family! I was so happy when my YOUNGER brother joined me in the kitchen to make red velvet cupcakes.  I have so much love and respect for him, he has already achieved such big things in his short life, and will hopefully continue to do so. I can always rely on Steve to eat my baked goods, I suppose when you do the amount of exercise that he does there is no worry about putting on weight!! I love baking for Steve, he is so appreciative and complimentary and makes me feel like I've done something really special!

Saturday, 10 September 2011

Vanilla Cupcakes with Peach Butter Cream Frosting

I made these beautiful morsels for the youngest cousin's 21st birthday. The colour scheme was white and peach, thankfully Wilton food colour gels actually had a colour called peach! But even with the peach gel colour it was still a little tricky getting the right tone. I was so proud of  how they looked, all dressed up in their own little lace frocks ready for a night out, pity they didn't get very far...

Thursday, 8 September 2011

Dr Seuss

Once again, not great pictures but what can you do when your photographer is on holiday!

I made this cake for a little boy's first birthday, I know it's not your typical children's cake, but I am really proud of how it turned out.  I had so much fun colouring all the batter and splodging it in layers. If you're wondering what those weird caterpillar/sausage decorations are... they are Dr Seuss trees from "oh the places you'll go"...  of course!I so wish I could have been there for the cake cutting moment when the rainbow was revealed!

Thursday, 1 September 2011


So not the best photos, but my photographer is currently galavanting about Europe so I have to make do with my point and shoot camera. This is a 60th birthday cake I made for a family birthday. I started colouring the icing with raspberries, so that I didn't need to use as much red colour, also to give it a better flavour. I learned a big lesson with this red colour, the secret is to colour the icing pink first, then add red.